Seehafen Wismar equipped with RailWatch pulsar measuring stations


08/18/2022 – With the aim of innovatively changing rail freight traffic and making train dispatching more efficient, the pulsar measuring stations from RailWatch GmbH were installed in the seaport of Wismar. The Pulsar works with OCR recognition and records the UIC wagon numbers of the individual wagons in the passage. The seaport now receives process data on all incoming and outgoing freight trains.

In addition to the core recording of UIC wagon numbers, RailWatch also provides data on the technical condition of freight wagons, such as brake pads and wheel flats. Wagon inscriptions and dangerous goods signs are also recorded with the Pulsar measuring station. The pulsar is equipped with special camera and sensor technology. Using computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI), the data is recorded, processed and made available via the RailWatch web portal or an API interface. The Pulsar measuring station is a digital solution for better productivity in rail freight transport and logistics.

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